

Net interest-bearing debt was EUR 165.2 (155.7) million and gearing increased to 117.6% (108.4%). The Group’s equity ratio at the end of the review period was 34.4% (34.7%). The net debt increase is primary a consequence of the green coaster investments and the Eastern exits.

Net financial expenses in January–December totaled EUR -9.3 (-5.9) million. The average interest rate of interest-bearing liabilities, excluding lease liabilities, was 5.3% (3.3%), causing Aspo’s interest expenses to grow.  

The Group’s liquidity position remained strong. Cash and cash equivalents stood at EUR 30.7 (33.6) million at the end of the review period. Committed revolving credit facilities, totaling EUR 40 million, were fully unused, as in the comparative period. Aspo’s EUR 80 million commercial paper program also was wholly unused at the end of the year 2023 and 2022.


On June 7, 2022, Aspo issued a new hybrid bond of EUR 30 million. The coupon rate of the bond is 8.75% per annum. The bond has no maturity, but the company is entitled to redeem it in June 2025 at the earliest. Aspo’s previous hybrid bond of EUR 20 million was redeemed on May 2, 2022.

In September 2019, Aspo Plc participated in a EUR 40 million group bond guaranteed by Garantia Insurance Company with a loan unit of EUR 15 million. The loan has a maturity of five years and a fixed annual coupon rate of 0.75%. In addition to the coupon rate, Aspo will pay an annual guarantee provision to Garantia. The proceeds from the loan unit will be used to cover the Group’s general financing needs.

Updated: 11.03.2024

Equity ratio and gearig

Maturity of loan agreements

Intrest bearing liabilities on December 31, 2023: 195 M€